
Previous Years Call Totals |
2009 | 560 |
2010 | 565 |
2011 | 813 |
2012 | 538 |
2013 | 520 |
2014 | 557 |
2015 | 629 |
2016 | 514 |
2017 | 594 |
2018 | 532 |
2019 | 554 |
2020 | 469 |
2021 | 494 |
2022 | 522 |
2023 | 684 |
2024 Incidents |
Jan | 67 |
Feb | 48 |
Mar | 57 |
Apr | 57 |
May | 66 |
Jun | 47 |
Jul | 64 |
Aug | 71 |
Sep | 74 |
Oct | 65 |
Nov | 59 |
Dec | |
Total | 675 |
Web Counters |
Website Visitors Since May 12, 2016
Visitors Today
Feb 07, 2025
Thank you in advance for your donation. Your financial contribution plays an essential role in allowing us to continue to provide high quality emergency services to the Community.

Why is your help critical?
- Lower Swatara Volunteer Fire Department is 100% volunteer. None of our firefighters are paid.
- LSVFD provides service to Lower Swatara Township. Additionally LSVFD provides mutual aid support to our neighboring communities when requested.
- LSVFD volunteers respond to over 650 fire, motor vehicle, water rescue, hazard material, and medical assist emergencies annually.
- The department received approximately $320,000 annually from the 0.49 mill property tax assessed by Lower Swatara Township for fire protection. This represents approximately 64% of our $500,000 annual operating budget. The remainder is raised by the department through assorted fund raising projects, including BINGO, facility rentals, the annual fund drive, and assorted other means.
- LSVFD volunteers train weekly to enhance their skills, and to be better prepared to provide lifesaving services.
- LSVFD has a robust Fire Prevention Program that services the Middletown Area school district's high school, middle school, and Kunkle and Reid Elementary Schools. Our Fire Prevention Safety Trailer is utilized throughout the year at community events and by request to educate the public on the basics of fire safety.
- Each October the department conducts an open house during Fire Prevention Week to make the public aware of the resources available to serve them.
- Volunteer fire companies save taxpayers millions of dollars each year. With your help and support we can continue to preserve the Volunteer System. LSVFD is a 501(c)(3) organization, so your donation is tax-deductible.

What are some of our expenses?
- Each set of personal protective equipment for a firefighter costs approximately $3,500. We have over 45 active firefighters, and this gear must be replaced at minimum every 10 years by NFPA standards.
- Each self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) that allows a firefighter to enter a burning structure costs approximately $5,000. We have 25 SCBA in service, all which require routine maintenance and upkeep.
- Since 2012 we have taken delivery of a new Engine and a new Heavy Rescue, at a combined cost of over $1,000,000.
- In early 2018 we will take delivery of a new Tanker/Pumper designed to combine the functionality of two existing vehicles that were over 20 years old. This vehicle will cost $750,000.
- We maintain a water rescue capability with a specialized water rescue boat specifically designed to safely operate in the Susquehanna River and Swatara Creek, even in low water when submerged rocks pose a risk to normal boats. We also operate a rubber dinghy style boat for tight quarters rescue.
- We operate a specialized foam trailer to handle flammable liquid fires on interstate highways and at nearby fuel tank storage farms.
- We operate 3 command vehicles and 2 support vehicles which are used for things such as medical responses, towing the boats, and providing additional manpower at incident scenes
Make A True Difference in Your Community!
Alternatively, you may mail a check to:
Lower Swatara Volunteer Fire Department
ATTN: Treasurer
1350 Fulling Mill Road
Middletown, PA 17057